Home > Company News > The AD ProTex/AD*Star bag The typical single ply AD ProTex and AD*STAR bags
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The typical single ply AD ProTex and AD*STAR bags are adequate for most environments. However, in very hot and humid locations, the single ply bag is a little susceptible to moisture intrusion, especially if transported by ship or in open trucks where the bags are open to the weather.
2-ply bags are the answer for this usage of bags. The bags are formed with an inner layer of paper, which not only helps with moisture intrusion, but also with dust control. This is the premier cement bag on the market today with the best advantages of each of the construction mediums.
In a recent test in Indonesia, where single ply bags had previously run into problems, a shelf test of three months resulted in a less than 1% granulation when using our 2-ply bags, the best results of any bags ever tested there.
the only manufacturer in the world who is currently filling orders for 2-ply bags.
Sales Manager:Daniel
Mobile Phone:86- 13802155833
WhatsApp: 86-13802155833
While the vast majority of Pasted Valve Woven PP bags are for cement and have the typical basic level of flexo print on them, we can also make the bags with 8-color processed roto-gravure printing. There is no better printing for bags anywhere in the world today.
We reverse print on a film of CPP or OPP, then laminate that film to the woven polypropylene. Not only are the graphics of the highest quality, the film protects the ink from abrasions and scratches.
These bags can be made as valve bags, or we can leave the top open for filling and closure, making a flat-bottomed bag which can stand on its end.
These bags are suited for products which go to the end users such as pet food, kitty litter, bird seed, garden products, rice, charcoal, and the like. Being able to stand on end is a huge comparative advantage.The AD ProTex/AD*Star bag offers various advantages when compared to paper or sewn woven polypropylene bags:
Strenght: woven poly pasted valve bags are significantly stronger than paper bags, and they have a signficantly lower breakage rate than sewn woven poly bags. One recent test run of 100,000 bags resulted in a total breakage in filling and transport of 23 bags. With the 2-ply bag, the breakage rate is even lower.
Less Materials: these bags use significantly less materials. While a paper cement bag runs about 170g, these bags typcially run about 70g. This makes storing and transport much easier and saves money.
Pilferage-Resistant: with a minimum headspace with low tolerances, pilferage is very difficult.
No Stitching or Glue: stiching causes a performation which makes other bags eaasier to break open along the stich line. Without stitching or glue, our bags are 100% recyclable without deconstruction, so the bag is not only stronger, is is more environmentally friendly.
Micro-perforation: the new micro-perforation system means different blains of cement can be packed easily with minimal dust. The smaller micro-perforations also mean there is less moisture intrusion.
Stackability: with a box-like shape, the bag is suited for easy transport and stacking. This also allows the use of bag in modern palletizing systems.
Better Use of Graphics: the box shape also gives billboards for better use of graphics. The filled bags have six full sides on which printing can be done, giving a better view to boservers and creating a better brand image.
Print Quality: while similar is printing quality to paper valve sacks, it is much better than on other woven poly cement bags..
Rotopacker Friendly: the bag works with modern rotopackers, and is suitable for both manual and automatic placement on the filling spout.
Counterfeit-resistant: the bag is produced using state of the art equipment and is difficult to replicate without such equipment. This helps cement companies fight against counterfeiting.
These advantages of the bag bring no loss of cement while handling (savings), end user gets full weight of cement bag paid for (better reachability), creation of strong brand image and consumer pull due to better looking packaging solution (greater customer appeal), matching international standards and style of packaging and greater customer confidence.
These bags also have a wide range of uses outside the cement industry in market segments such as fertilizers, sugar, gypsum, chemicals, cereals, plastic resins, salt, etc. Using a reverse printed three layer bag, it is imminently suitable for consumer products such as pet food, kitty litter, rice, and lawn and garden products. With up to an 8" flat bottom, the packaging opportunities are endless.